Sure seems to be true lately. Almost a million law enforcement officers in the country, yet the attention is on one. One human being, who wears the badge, who has been prematurely convicted by the media and a hypocritically pathetic, isolated group of misguided individuals. Sadly, the way sensationalized news works in this country, the attention will remain on one. And here's the thing.... that one, Officer Darren Wilson, is all of us. He is literally "just us".
When one officer comes into the spotlight in this country, it instantly becomes representative of us all. "All Cops"... how many times can we hear that? Yes, now my husband is Officer Wilson, and every female officer is Officer Wilson, and every other officer is Officer Wilson and every police wife is married to Officer Wilson. When a "bad cop" story hits mainstream media and the public with nothing better to do..... the entire thin blue line becomes Officer Wilson.
Isn't it ironic how that only works one way? There were countless acts of heroism and life saving efforts and compassion and kindness and service to the communities across this country over the past week. There are officers being placed in life threatening situations in Ferguson who have nothing to do with the anger which is being spewed due to the hatred of Officer Wilson. There are multiple officers who were shot, mowed over, and even lost their lives while honoring their commitment to protecting and serving their communities all across the US in the past week..... yet all we hear about is Officer Wilson.
And here's the thing..... that's alright. It's alright because right now there's "just us" and right now we're all Officer Darren Wilson has. We're his family and his family's family. And every other brother and sister of the thin blue line is doing just what they do... "we've got your back". They have his six, and they have each others. Each and every member of the thin blue line family is more than willing to take a stand for Officer Darren Wilson, and we do so, not based on disregard for the law, not based on disregard for the pending investigation, but because he has been convicted by many without the process leading to justice. That leaves "just us" to stand for him.
Across this nation in the past week we have done as we always do. Our officers have strapped Kevlar on their chests and a duty weapon on their sides and have charted into the same territory which places a target on their characters and backs simply for taking a daily stance against the evil and madness which would seek to cause mayhem and tragedy upon the lives of innocents. There are many outside of "just us" who do, in fact, support us. They pray for the safety of our LEOs and they themselves fear the misguided collective hatred for "just us".
Yes, something happens to "just us" during times like these. We realize how alone we are, we are reminded just how much judgment there is from those who could never understand without walking in our shoes. Yet, we are also reminded of what a remarkable line that is which stands between good and evil. It is times like this that our pride is restored and we forget about the politics and bad morale and defeating feelings which are brought on when it seems the world is against us. We stand together for what's right, regardless of copious amounts of idiocy being aimed at us all.
Times like these can easily invoke emotions in us all which leave us questioning what the hell we were thinking about when we dove into this crazy life of law enforcement.... however, if we remain focused, and we push aside our fears and frustrations and anger and anguish, we can look into this chaotic world and easily remember why we're all here. Because there's "Just us". Who else will be "just us"? Without our LEOs to walk that line and stand between good and evil, we would all be in a constant state of anarchy.
At any moment, any officer can become Darren Wilson. It takes a split second. I would say we all need to remember that when we get sick and tired of the ridiculousness which has become of it..... however, I don't have to say that. Officer Darren Wilson needs us to stand for him and we all know he would do the same for each one of "just us".
Prayers for strength, safety and a huge dose of patience for all our LEOs and LE families today.